Before we explore the connection between diabetes and sexual dysfunction in men, let us first find out what diabetes is and what its causes are. Nowadays, diabetes has become a household medical condition, affecting almost all the elderly people and sometimes seen in children too, says the best sexologist in Kolkata.

What is Diabetes

It refers to a condition in individuals affected by high blood sugar levels. Occasionally, sugar levels can get elevated due to the food or drink taken some time ago. However, if the sugar levels are consistently high, then the individual is said to have diabetes.


The two reasons mainly responsible for causing diabetes, include the following:

  1. When your body is unable to secrete enough insulin, making it absorption of glucose from the blood difficult for the body. This causes glucose to be retained in the blood. As you take your meal, glucose level rises further.
  2. When your body is unable to properly use the insulin present in the blood.

The condition can be categorized into two types – the less common Type 1 diabetes (occurring only in 10% of the people) and the other Type 2 diabetes, (which occurs in 90% of the patients).

Effects of Diabetes

  1. Since not enough energy is provided to the other organs, it results in fatigue.
  2. The nerves and blood vessels get damaged and hardened because of high sugar levels, causing loss of sensation and supplying less blood to the different body parts.
  3. When an individual with diabetes is injured, he may not even have a clue that he is hurt (because of loss of sensitivity). Also, the injury will take a longer time to heal (because of low blood flow). Adequate amount of blood supply is required to carry more oxygen to the affected area for a faster recovery.
  4. According to a top sexologist in Kolkata Sexologist Clinic, diabetes is also one of the causes of sexual dysfunction in male patients, typically causing erectile dysfunction (ED).

The Connection

In diabetics, the sensation-communicating nerves, as well as the blood vessels get damaged. Even after stimulation of the penis, improper communication to the brain does not help in maintaining an erection to perform sex. Furthermore, the damaged blood vessels do not fill the penis with adequate amount of blood to achieve the erection. The best sexologist doctor in Kolkata tells that male patients diagnosed with diabetes may experience erectile dysfunction within 10 years from the day of diagnosis.

Controling Diabetes

  1. Eating less carbohydrates, several times in a day. Instead of three heavy meals, eat smaller portions throughout the day. This will add less sugar to the blood at any time.
  2. Do not become a couch potato. Focus on working out, as it will increase insulin sensitivity of the body.
  3. Drink adequate amounts of water, as it will flush out the extra glucose from the body.
  4. Avoid having white rice. Instead, you may try brown rice, bajra, millets that have less glycemic index.
  5. Consume fibre-rich foods. Include lots of vegetables, fruits, and proteins in your diet.

Keeping blood glucose levels under control will help you slowly overcome erectile dysfunction. If you are still suffering from erection problems, you must see the best sexologist in Kolkata.