The risk of developing yeast infection increases after sexual activity as it introduces new bacteria to the vagina. The sexologists in Kolkata can provide a solution to this problem. In females, yeast infections are more common. By proper treatment, one can get rid of this infection. At some point in their life, women would get this kind of infection. There is an increased chance of this infection in the vagina due to the use of certain medicines. These include corticosteroids, antibiotics and birth control pills. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding and people with weakened immune systems have a higher risk of developing a yeast infection.


Fungus yeast infections happen due to an overgrowth of microscopic Candida. When the Candida fungus remains in balance, it causes no harm. It is actually a normal part of the vaginal area. However, this fungus causes a yeast infection when it grows out of control. This happens under certain conditions.

As per the opinion of a sexologist doctor in South Kolkata, bacteria can get into the vagina during some sexual activities such as penile or finger insertion. This new bacteria can speed up the growth of the Candida fungus and this leads to yeast infection. Oral sex can also increase the possibility of this kind of infection as bacteria can come from a person’s mouth and saliva.

Yeast Infection and Sex

It is best to avoid sex when having a yeast infection. This is because the infection can spread through sex. A number of men can develop an itchy rash on their penis after having sex with someone with a vaginal yeast infection. The risk of developing a yeast infection is more in men who have diabetes and uncircumcised penises. The use of condoms and dental dams can lessen the spread of yeast infections between partners. One should consult the best sexologist doctor in Kolkata about this matter.


The doctor can find out the cause of the infection. Antifungal medication is an effective treatment option for a yeast infection. The medicines prescribed by the doctor are normally available in medical stores. There are several forms of these medicines, which include pills, ointments, creams and suppositories. The treatment can continue for a week or it can be a single dose. The instructions of the doctor should be properly followed while taking the medicines. Sometimes, there may be a need for strong antifungal medicine to prevent recurrent yeast infections.


It is possible to decrease the risk of yeast infection by following some steps. One should:

  • Wear breathable underwear
  • Frequently change menstrual products like tampons and pads
  • Avoid wearing wet clothes for a long time
  • Not douche
  • Avoid scented feminine products
  • Always wipe front to back after toilet use
  • Keep blood sugar under control
  • Avoid hot tubs or hot baths